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Sound Management
No matter the size of your church or business, your facility requires the best audio staff and sound possible. Sound Management was created to help you achieve those goals. We can produce multimedia productions, design and install audio systems, make recommendations to better utilize your current equipment, as well as train your personnel.
With 20 years of experience, Sound Management has the knowledge and resources to handle your most demanding meetings. We have handled conventions at the Orange County Convention Center, World Marriot Hotel and The Gaylord Palms. We have also run sound for Theatrical or broadcast productions at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, The Nashville Network, Court TV, Benny Hinn Media Ministries and Mark Chironna Ministries.
Are you remodeling or in a building program? We can design a sound system to help get your message across. If after our mutual evaluation, new components need to be purchased or an existing piece needs to be repaired, Sound Management can handle the interaction with the factory or repair shop for you. We are not salesmen, so there is no pressure to make a purchase that you are not comfortable with. We just want your meetings to go smoothly and to be the best that they possibly can be.
With over 19,000 churches in the state of Florida, staff training is critical to the successful operation of sound equipment and for ensuring the safety of the system components. Many sound technicians are volunteers which usually means they are under-trained and overstressed. Often they take on the responsibility because:
No one else will do it.
They have some sort of technical job
They used to be in a band 20 years ago
Sound Management can train staff to operate your current system correctly. We can also help bridge the gap between your pastors, musicians and tech crew by helping each group to understand the other better which then helps to improve communication. We want to eliminate the "US versus THEM" mentality so everyone is on the same page working towards the same goal.